But as for the iMovie videos that are pretty important, we can burn them to DVD. When it comes to how to playback iMovie videos, we can enjoy them on Apple TV by using the iMovie Theater for smaller videos or share the file through iTunes & Home Sharing. We usually use iMovie to browse, share, create a new video with photos and clips, edit video for better refinements, and enhance the visual looking with special effects, etc. Intelligently increase or decrease bitrate according to file size.Real-time preview of all the changes and adjustments.Edit DVD title and add background picture & music.Edit video before burning with Crop/Watermark/Effect/Subtitle/Chapter/etc.Create professionally designed menu templates with various themes.Burn videos in any format like MP4, MKV, etc.

Burn iMovie to DVD to play on TV or any playable devices.Cisdem DVD Burner The Best App to Burn DVD from iMovie